Get a handle on your time management, with inspiration from Jesus and the gospels.
We worry, “Am I in the wrong place at the wrong time?” Or “Am I in the right place at the wrong time?”. God also is interested in time and place. But God’s...
Redemption is the key theme of the book of Ruth. Will Messenger applies this Biblical narrative to the modern workplace. Consider what...
Today's passage reveals that God has "made known to us the mystery of his will." He did this willingly, with delight. This mystery is focused in Christ, just like the rest of God's...
There is a season for love and birth and death and creativity. You know when the season has come, but you could never have predicted it.
"When the fullness of time had come, God . . . " ...
God created a world with time and where human time is limited. By God’s creation, we have days, seasons, generations and lifetimes (Genesis 1, Psalm 104).[1] Further we need to be aware of...
Prices in financial markets are expressed as expected rates of return on financial instruments, which in debt instrument are quoted as interest rates.[1] Why exactly would the borrower and saver agree to pay...
Can biblical principles help us determine how much to borrow or when to borrow? Several of the biblical foundations of finance can help. First, we inhabit God’s time-bound world with social cycles and...